is currently no cure for Crohn’s and Colitis. Existing drugs can only suppress
them. All drug-based treatments impact patients differently, according to the
level of the disease. This vagueness complicates the treatment. It’s happened
more than once that patients have had to take it on themselves to make
decisions (in consultation with the doctor) that have a direct influence on
their condition. Taking the correct decision requires knowledge concerning the
nature of the treatment or test, and being well-informed on all the parameters
that contribute to the patient’s bodily and mental state over a long period.
The patient who is forced to devote
most of his strength to deal with the disease ne additional energy
for tests and treatments. An understanding of the aim of the test and treatment
tends to increase the motivation to undergo them. For every patient, choosing a
suitable treatment is based on being well-informed about its aim, as well as on
frequent monitoring of the situation.
chapter investigates treatment methods and monitoring for both Crohn’s and
Colitis, methods that include medical and self-monitoring systems, and
conventional and alternative approaches to treatment. The aim of the chapter is
to provide information to patients that will aid them in taking decisions
concerning how they should monitor their disease and methods of treating it.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD):
An inclusive name for inflammatory
diseases of the digestive system, of which the main ones are Crohn’s and
Crohn’s disease (CD):
A chronic disease that affects the
digestive system and which can appear along the entire length of the system –
from the mouth to the anus. The areas most susceptible to the disease:
The terminal part of the
small intestine – the point of connection between the small and the large intestine,
also known as the Terminal Ileum.
The large intestine
(appears in half of the cases together with impairment to the small
Ulcerative Colitis (UC):
A chronic inflammation that appears
only in the large intestine and the rectum. With Colitis the inflammation is
continuous and involves only the mucus. It does not penetrate the entire
intestinal wall. The reasons for the disease, and its identification and
treatment, are similar for the two diseases, despite the clinical differences
between them.
Crohn’s and Colitis are diseases
that have a stronger effect on the immune system which then displays
uncontrolled activity, in all likelihood against the germs that are found in
the bowel. The reasons for the appearance of the disease are not known. There a
few theories such as a disturbance of the immune system, a bacterial or viral
infection, hereditary disease, psychosomatic reasons, poisoning, damage, and so
on. The reason is probably based on a combination of genetic background and
environmental factors of the kind I have mentioned. Currently it is not
possible exactly pinpoint the factors and therefore it is not possible to
prevent the disease from appearing.
About twenty years ago, throughout
the world, the disease was found mostly among Jews, but in recent years a
similar percentage of non-Jews have been found to have the disease. Although
the connection has not been proven in the research, it’s possible to tell from
this that it has occurred along with the socio-economic improvement of these
The disease is equally common to
men and women, and can appear at any age. In most cases it breaks out at the
end of the second decade of life (between the ages of sixteen and twenty) and
is connected to a stressful period of the patient’s life (for example, army
An estimation of the number of patients
The frequency of Crohn’s disease is
between ten and seventy patients for every 100,000 of the general population.
(It more frequent among Jews of the diaspora).
Unofficial research points to an
increase in the number of Crohn’s and Colitis patients globally in recent
Symptoms of the disease
Chronic diarrhea: One of
the most prominent symptoms of the disease. It can appear without warning and
continue for long periods. It is usually accompanied by strong odors and even
Pain: Stomach pains caused
by intestinal cramps are the main and most prominent and common symptoms of the
disease. The pains usually begin on the lower right side of the abdomen. The
pains vary from general discomfort to acute stomach pains with strong cramping
of the intestines.
Temperature: Intense
activity in the disease – especially in severe cases – includes the development
of fistulae (a connection between tissues – please see the explanation later
on), or ulcers – accompanied by high temperature and shivers.
During later stages it is
possible to note other symptoms such as: Weight loss, signs of malnutrition,
anemia, lack of appetite and lack of vitamins. In addition, following continuous
diarrhea, damage to the anus can occur, and also injury to other systems and
tissues such as joints, skin, eyes and liver.
Blood in stool:
Characteristic of Colitis, blood mixed with feces can occur with the
involvement of the large intestine. Fresh blood is a generally a sign of the
involvement of the rectum.
A continual need to move
the bowels, or tenesmus: Characteristic of Colitis, in which the patient can
feel a continuous need to go to the bathroom, but without result, or with a
mucous discharge only.
The full chapter is published in the book.
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